This link courtesy of my mother (who first brought my attention to the fact that today is π day):
Also visit:
- The Wikipedia Article on Pi:
- David Blatner's website devoted to Pi (the author of the article above and
the book The Joy of Pi (which I have not read): Pi to one million decimal places:
- Search for any string of digits (up to 120 of them) in the first 200 million
digits of Pi:
Interesting Pi facts:
I was surprised to see that Google does not have any celebratory decorations up in honor of Pi Day. Usually, that is how I realize that it is a special day. (I think I missed St. Patrick's Day this year).I can find my & Sarah's birthdates twice each in the first 200 million digits of Pi. Both of hers occur significantly earlier than mine (hers occurs twice prior to the 100 millionth digit; mine occurs twice after the 100 million digit). I guess that's becuase she's older! The number of the beast in Revelation (666, which is Gemmatria for "Caeser Nero") occurs at least twenty times. I stopped looking after that many. Also occuring at least twenty times: 2008 (the current year C.E./A.D.) Our social security numbers and bank account numbers do not occur in the first 200 million digits of Pi.
"He Himself is our Peace." (Eph 2)
Actually, you still have a couple days to stock up on green - St. Patrick's Day is Monday.
As for the number of digits I've memorized, I think that would be.... 3.14159 (though I think that the last one might be 8 rounded...). I never have really liked decimals; they're ugly, and math is supposed to be beautiful, so therefore decimals are not proper mathematics. QED.
I tried putting in "6662008" and "2008666"; both came up over 10 times. I think we have the next generation of the Bible code on our hands...
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