It is really challenging to attempt to summarize Jesus' life and teachings for a single lecture's content in World Religions!
I feel that I have to leave stuff out not only because of time constraints, but to make it somewhat comparable to my (minimal) coverage of other important religious figures I have covered in this course, just in the interest of fairness.
It is really hard to decide what to omit, though!
"He Himself is our Peace." (Eph 2)
Staying on the Cross
2 weeks ago
1 comment:
Bow about this? "Jesus was God, and maybe human, and he taught many cool things which are irrelevant because he only came to die for us, except for statements like 'Blessed are the anti-abortionists, for they shall receive the kingdom of heaven,' and 'I saw Satan falling from heaven because he voted for gay marriage.' But now, we can let go of all our problems and ridicule others for being too sinful to see the solution to life, and then we'll enjoy heaven without all of them, because of what Jesus has done for us."
More seriously, do you think that birth narrative, Sermon on the Mount, and overview of the Passion narrative, plus a nod toward beliefs concerning his resurrection and ascension? That would seem to capture both what is essential to the church's beliefs concerning him, as well as capturing something of his ethical teachings. Maybe that would still be too much, though it would seem comparable to what I would do with, say, Shakyamuni.
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