Through Halden's blog, I today came across, which collects some work by Ted Grimsund, who teaches theology and peace studies at Eastern Mennonite University in Harrisonburg, PA.
Among other topics, Grimsund has written on the topic of homosexuality. He has published a book with fellow EMU professor of theology Mark Thiessen Nation entitled Reasoning Together: A Conversation on Homosexuality. One of Grimsund's chapters is on his website, here. He argues for what he calls "the inclusive perspective".
(There is nothing more to this post.)
"Make me a channel of Your Peace."
-St. Francis
Staying on the Cross
2 weeks ago
1 comment:
Thanks for directing us to this article. I tend to fall in the same area as the author in the restrictive/inclusive; Biblical/Extra-Biblical grid: inclusive/Biblical. It's also nice to read a discussion of Biblical interpretation (especially on this issue) that takes context into consideration on units larger than words and sentences... I don't know how many times I've tried to convince people that the 'Sodom & Gommorah' story begins in Ch. 18, that it *is* important that the Holiness Code is bookended by warning to keep separate from the practices of the Canaanites, that you miss the point of Romans 1 if you don't read (even one verse!) into Romans 2.
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