Thursday, May 29, 2008

Course Feedback from the Fall

I got my course evaluations for both Logic and World Religions today. A lot of it is what I expected. The majority of comments are positive, and a number of the negative ones are informative and helpful, or just confirming of problems I already knew about and want to address. One of the more helpful comments in World Religions, for example, said that there was more out-of-class work in World Religions than in this student's Anatomy class, which seems backwards. (World Religions here is a 1000 level class, and I took it as two 300 level classes; I knew this would be a problem, I just need to scale back the amount of work a bit more than I did).

The most amusing negative comment was from a student in World Religions. I reproduce it exactly as it appears on my sheet:

Don't grade the paper's so harsh, it's not an english class.


"Make me a channel of Your Peace."

-St. Francis

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