Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Required Beliefs in Philosophy Classes

I heard this from my sister:

There is a report among some politically active fundamentalists that a philosophy professor threatened to reduce a student's grade or prevent her from passing a required gen ed course if she did not personally accept that the existence of God cannot be proven...see link below.

A semester or two ago, on a Logic assignment, I gave students a list of propositions, including

C = Chicago is the capital of Illinois
G = God exists

and asked them to give English translations of ~C and ~G. Two or three of my students refused to write the corresponding proposition for ~G; one wrote instead something like "But God *does* exist!"; the other one or two left it blank.

I wrote an explanation on their papers that my point was that G and ~G are meaningful propositions. Maybe I should have made a class announcement-but I didn't want to embarass anyone.

"Make me a channel of your peace."

--St. Francis

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