So I was scheduled to begin teaching an Intro to Philosophy class on Monday at 10:00am. I received an e-mail from the dept chair dated Tuesday warning me that it was possible that I might lose that class and be assigned a Logic class instead due to enrollment issues (I think there were enough in the Intro class; the issue was that other, more important faculty were being denied their first choices and needed to take a second choice). I just now received an e-mail from the dept chair dated Thursday confirming that, in his words, "the worst has happened", and I will be teaching Logic instead of Intro.
I'm very glad for the employment, anyway, and I know I can be prepared for Logic on short notice, having taught it the last three semesters.
And, I still have my World Religions course! :)
I was really looking forward to teaching Intro-I've been asking for that course since I got here a couple of years ago. But, that's life when you're at the bottom of the hierarchy. I also rather regret how much time and effort I've put into prepping the course (I had the syllabus, one quiz, a course website, and two weeks worth of lectures finished). I will be sad for a while. :(
I hope the new professor uses the book I picked, since I would expect that many of the students have already purchased it!!
"He Himself is our Peace." (Eph 2)
Staying on the Cross
2 weeks ago
Still, I bet you got something out of your preparation for Intro -- not just that you could maybe use your prep next time, but I'm guessing that you thought through some good questions about how you would teach Intro to Philosophy.
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