Does anyone know the answer to this question (and could you provide a reference to confirm it)?
When one is making a bibliographic entry for a book published by Oxford University Press / Clarendon Press, (1) when does it matter, if ever, that one specify "Clarendon Press" or "Oxford University Press", and (2) when, if ever, does one give "New York" or "New York and Oxford" or "Oxford and New York" as the location instead of "Oxford"? Is there any standard on this at all???
"He Himself is our Peace." (Eph 2)
Staying on the Cross
2 weeks ago
For (2) my general practice is to put down the city of the place in the country where I bought the book. So, as most of my books are published in America, I would put down New York. For (1), I think that I've generally put down Clarendon. I really have no idea if there are any standards on this, however. The Chicago Manual of Style has stuff in Chapter 17 about copublication at least (it probably would have everything else which you would need to know), but the online version requires a subscription.
I always thought it was the first city listed, but I'm no expert. (I can ask at my local academic library if you like.)
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