OK, one week and several hours later, here's a brief update on last weekend and this week.
The NW Ohio Mennonite Men's Bike-Hike was fun. I biked a little over 30 miles, I believe, on Saturday--mostly on a flat bike & buggy trail. We were in Holmes County, where it seems everybody is some kind of Amish or Mennonite. Hearing a little bit about the different groups made me feel a renewed sadness about the divisions in the Church. As much as Anabaptists value community, they've/we've (I haven't solved that identity issue yet) been really good at *separating*.
We went to Behalt, a Mennonite-Amish heritage center with a big mural. It was kind of interesting. We were rushed, though.
Sunday it was too rainy to bike. Saturday it rained a lot, too, just never on us. The radar on guys' cell phones (!) showed that the storms stayed around us pretty much all day--but we never got any rain. Also, my bike held up well on Saturday although its tires were showing signs of considerable age. (When did I buy that? Was I in high school yet? Have I ever replaced its tires or inner tubes?) The inner tube blew overnite after the trip, so it was a good thing we weren't biking on Sunday. Now I have to replace it (which I should have done before the trip, really). I know that Dr. S would be comfortable crediting Providence with several of these things (I often fondly recall his passionately asserting in class once ... ah, never mind. He used rather strong language. Stripped of emotive content and rephrased, he said that everything was God's doing, so he didn't have a problem attributing....everything to God's doing). I have to satisfy myself with noncommital wonder at these things. Ah, the mysteries of Providence.
I have not been as disciplined with my time this week. I did better Wednesday and since. However, today was "undisciplined" in the sense that I once again spent *all* afternoon doing Logic stuff in the computer lab when I wanted to finish a paper.... Grr... My own fault.
Love & Peace to all.
"He Himself is our Peace." (Eph 2)
Staying on the Cross
2 weeks ago
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