Friday, May 16, 2008

Readings on Philosophical Naturalism

I was awake early this morning so I came to campus very early, getting to Scott Hall around 7:00am. I found that the alarm was going off all throughout the building. So, I'm sitting in a computer lab in the Business Dept. this morning.

Yesterday I got three books and an article on philosophical naturalism. (I'll probably only read the introductions to each of the three books). I may have comments later--today or in a couple of days--related to this topic.

The books are:

  • Naturalism in question, Mario De Caro and David Macarthur (eds.) (Harvard, 2004)

  • Naturalism: a critical appraisal, Stephen Wagner and Richard Warner (eds.) (Notre Dame, 1993)

  • Naturalism: a critical analysis, William Lane Craig and J. P. Moreland (eds.) (Routledge, 2000)

  • The third book (Craig & Moreland's) is much more thoroughly and explicitly Christian/theistic in its orientation. The second (Wagner & Warner's) is more about philosophical non-naturalism without as much reference to theism (I think). The first is interested in broadening the scope of "nature" beyond the limits of "scientific naturalism" or "scientism".

    I'm presently interested in this topic because philosophical naturalism is an important presupposition of certain expressivist arguments in metaethics.


    "Make me a channel of Your Peace."

    -St. Francis

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