Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I had this idea a while ago and forgot to post it here for discussion until today. The prompt for my doing so was its appropriateness as a response for this post on Halden's blog.

Regarding the fact that 1 Timothy 2 roots its “I do not allow a woman to teach” doctrine in the creation narrative…. I had what was, for me, a bit of a brainwave the other Sunday. There’s another teaching in scripture that is rooted in the creation narrative: Exodus 20:8-11. Yet the Sabbath commandment is unique among the Ten Words in its NOT being repeated in the NT. And while our strategies may differ in how we deal with the Sabbath commandment in our lives, surely we can all agree that Moses’ idea of how to “Keep the Sabbath holy” is bound to his culture, time, and place, and is not for us today.

(This is the complete post.)


"Make me a channel of Your Peace."

-St. Francis

Read the full post.