Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Looking Up

I caught a kind of second wind after posting yesterday evening. Writing and/or saying what I'm thinking can really be helpful when I feel upset or out of control, or like giving up.

I submitted two papers from the end of the Fall 2006 semester--one each to the two conferences whose deadlines were yesterday. So I feel like I didn't give up after all.

The James paper is behind me however the grade turns out. That's one more obstacle toward my graduation out of the way (at least, once I get a grade back!). I can now turn to other things.

There's one more fall grad conference (at Western Michigan) with a deadline in two weeks (the 15th). Maybe I can submit a thesis-related paper to that one. My thesis is my primary goal now. (Other than keeping up with Logic, and the rest of my life). I will need to focus my energies on a particular task, though--one chapter, one criticism, etc. It will come together. I will do this. I will finish.


"He Himself is our Peace." (Eph 2)

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