Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Logic Symbols in HTML

(...Click below for full post)

I learned some new HTML codes today for symbolic logic:

∼ ∼
· ·
∨ ∨
⊃ ⊃
≡ ≡

∴ ∴

′ ′
″ ″

∀ ∀
∃ ∃

↔ ↔
⇔ ⇔

≠ ≠

∞ ∞

You can also make any Greek letter, capital or lower-case this way:
φ φ

I still haven't found really great symbols for modal logic, but I guess we could use these for "possible":
◊ ◊
or, ♦ ♦

I haven't found a satisfactory one for "necessary", although I suppose any symbol that would generate a square when the browser cannot interpret it might work! :)


"He Himself is our Peace." (Eph 2)

1 comment:

M. Anderson said...

Sweet! That'll be useful.

Congratulations on your summer teaching job, btw!